As the primary caregiver for a senior loved one, you might experience stress, exhaustion, and anxiety, which is your body’s way of saying you’re doing too much. Instead of putting more stress on yourself, consider using in-home respite care. Here are some of the benefits of using this service.
1. Lowers the Odds of Sleep Deprivation
It’s common for family caregivers to experience sleep deprivation while caring for their elderly loved ones. In-home respite care can help you get the assistance you need with your loved one at night. Instead of having your sleeping patterns disrupted, you can get a good night’s rest and be ready to tackle the daily challenges of caregiving.
If you are the primary caregiver for a senior family member and you need Respite Care, Oklahoma City, OK, families can rely on Lifestar Home Care for the help they need and deserve. Our respite caregivers are trained to assist older adults with a wide variety of everyday tasks, including meal prep, physical activity, and personal hygiene. We also provide 24-hour care and specialized care for seniors with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s.
2. Offers Professional Assistance
Caregiving can be overwhelming for individuals who take on too many responsibilities without help from siblings and other family members. This type of pressure leads to exhaustion, stress, and a decrease in physical health. With in-home respite care, you can receive the assistance you need and have more time to devote to self-care, which reduces the risk of burnout.
3. Reduces the Risk of Isolation
When family caregivers take on this role, they often lose a lot of free time. When they need to choose between their social life and their caregiving duties, the latter often wins. However, it’s important to continue socializing to reduce the risk of isolation. Being isolated can lead to depression, regret, and anger. When you use in-home respite care, you can continue participating in the social activities you enjoyed prior to becoming a family caregiver. An in-home respite caregiver can also provide you and your loved one with companionship.
4. Provides Help with Uncomfortable Tasks
There may be tasks that go beyond your comfort zone, such as bathing and incontinence. You don’t have to feel guilty about needing assistance with these uncomfortable tasks. In fact, it’s good to set boundaries prior to accepting the role of family caregiver. Doing so could make the role less challenging and enhance your relationship with your loved one.
Seniors can face a variety of age-related challenges. Though some families choose to take on the caregiving duties, there may come a time when they need a trusted Home Care in Oklahoma City provider. Families sometimes need respite from their duties so they can focus on their other responsibilities, and some seniors need around-the-clock assistance that their families are not able to provide. Lifestar Home Care is here to help.
5. Allows Family Caregivers to Maintain Careers
If you work full-time, you don’t have to quit your job. It’s important to maintain a balance between your caregiver role and your professional life. In-home respite care allows you to maintain a normal work schedule without leaving your loved one unattended. You can work during the day and have peace of mind knowing a professional caregiver is at home providing your loved one with the care he or she needs and deserves. With in-home respite care, you can save your vacation time instead of using it to handle your loved one’s care needs.
6. Frees Up Time to Take Extended Breaks
Although taking daily breaks is good, you also need to take extended time off to preserve your mental and physical health. Using in-home respite care gives you the ability to take a couple of days off during the month or a couple of weeks off every few months. During this time off, you can go on vacation with your spouse and children or spend the time catching up on rest. Taking time off allows you to regroup, recharge, and reduce the risk of caregiver burnout.
Caring for a senior loved one can be challenging for families who don’t have expertise or professional training in home care, but this challenge doesn’t have to be faced alone. Family caregivers can turn to Lifestar Home Care for the help they need. We provide high-quality live-in and respite care as well as comprehensive Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care. Whether you need a break from your caregiving duties or your loved one needs extensive 24-hour in-home care, give us a call at (405) 288-9275 today.