6 Methods for Determining if Your Parent Needs Overnight Care

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Switching from assistance during the day to overnight care is a big decision your family could face when your senior loved one is aging in place. For some seniors, the need for overnight care arises suddenly, and there may not be a question about making arrangements for seniors with serious health issues. For others, the changes happen so gradually families might not realize it’s time for additional help. You can take these steps to avoid a potentially risky delay in hiring an overnight caregiver.

1. Inquire about Overnight Care after a Hospital Discharge

Many seniors leave the hospital before they’re fully ready to handle their health needs on their own. An overnight caregiver can monitor your loved one’s safety and comfort levels. Caregivers can also help seniors get out of bed if problems arise in the middle of the night.

2. Watch for New Infections & Skin Problems

Seniors with incontinence or wounds might develop infections and rashes if their skin isn’t kept dry and free of pressure. An overnight caregiver can clean up accidents and make sure your loved one’s skin is dry. The caregiver can also change your loved one’s position at regular intervals and make sure bed linens are always clean.

There are a variety of age-related health conditions that can make it more challenging for seniors to live independently. However, many of the challenges they face can be easier to address if their families opt for professional in-home care. You can rely on expertly trained caregivers to keep your loved one safe and comfortable while aging in place.

3. Assess Nighttime Mobility

Many seniors have reduced mobility at night. For instance, your loved one may have stiff joints that need a few minutes to warm up, and trying to rush to the restroom could cause him or her to fall. Some seniors might also be dizzy or too groggy to maintain their balance during nighttime walks around the house. Having someone there with your loved one allows that extra bit of stability that can prevent injuries. 

4. Find Out the Current Family Caregiver’s Schedule

The typical family caregiver often works more than an eight-hour shift. While it’s normal to put in some overtime during the day, it becomes dangerous to try to do so both day and night. If the current family caregiver isn’t getting enough rest at night, it may be time for overnight care.

5. Ask if Your Loved One Has Any Worries at Night

People often think companionship care only involves playing games and sharing meals during the day. However, home caregivers also play an important role in the evening hours by giving seniors a sense of security. The caregiver can arrive shortly before bedtime to help your loved one relax and get ready for bed. Your loved one may also sleep better when he or she knows someone is there to help in the event of an emergency.

For seniors with anxiety that makes it difficult to sleep through the night, having a professional caregiver close by can provide a sense of comfort. The type of Home Care Oklahoma City seniors need can vary. Some need assistance a few hours a day, while others require more extensive around-the-clock assistance. At Lifestar Home Care, we tailor our care plans based on each senior’s individual care needs, and the plans can be adjusted at any time. We are a trusted provider of respite and 24-hour care, and we also offer specialized Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, and stroke care for seniors.

6. Stay Alert for Serious Safety Incidents

Your loved one should be supervised at night if he or she is prone to falling or has dementia. A senior with severe cognitive impairment is at risk for wandering, failing to turn off appliances, and making other mistakes that could put him or her in harm’s way. 

If your senior loved one needs around-the-clock assistance at home, the Oklahoma City, OK, Live-in Care professionals at Lifestar Home Care are here to help. Our caregivers promote longevity by encouraging seniors to focus on healthy eating, regular exercise, mental engagement, and other important lifestyle factors. If your loved one needs professional care, Lifestar Home Care is here to help. To hire a compassionate, dedicated caregiver, call us today.


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